Re: Responsibility for children / adoption

From: ankara (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 11:10:12 MDT writes in part:
>... However the reason is that there is an escape clause: anyone can give
>up a baby.
>No one is forced to keep a child.

Where did you get the absolutely dumb idea that 'anyone can give up a baby' think babies are sme generic commodity?? Like, anyone can be
stripped clean of heritage, ancestry, tribe, relatedness, family,
identity...... to be made into a fake someone never born.

Everyone born deserves to be wanted, welcomed, loved by their very own
mother, (father too). The idea that a mother is replaceable and that babies
are interchangable is fundamentally ignorant.

>...You can have an abortion any time you want, but you must do it
There is no such thing, there is only the least amount of suffering.

>The unwanted fetus will be transfered to another womb, perhaps artificial.
>In effect you are giving it up for adoption.

Adoption? As in, destroying one's identity? The 'civil death' of the
mother? No one wants to be a replacement/adoptee, that is, a grateful slave
to infertile adopters.

>Could this be a compromise on the abortion issue acceptable to many parties?

Not a chance in Hal. In future, I hope we'll fully recognize the magnitude
of genetic ties and the ease and importance of 'uploading' into our own
flesh and blood.

DNA - You can't adopt it.


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