Re: self-extracting zipware AI 'casting

From: Emlyn (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 10:40:53 MDT

> Maybe we can get by without higher-dimensional waves (or branes,
> or maybe that's just the kind of world we're in so we use what we can get
> our hands on. Either way, I don't know how to make that final unzipping
> occur. Run the code-string into solar plasma vortices? Into a planetary
> Allen belt? Into the accretion disk of a black hole? All these have been
> suggested in fiction as habitats for smart signal resonances. I'm
> if anyone here can come up with better proposals.
> Damien Broderick

You could always go on the assumption that there is life out there already.
Add to your signal the design of a machine/substrate that will decode the
rest of the signal and do whatever it takes to "run" you. The best bet would
be to make the design for the machine as easy as possible to decode, but the
rest of the signal rather difficult; design the machine to be feasible to
build using much lower tech than it took to design it in the first place.

Hopefully you will be picked up by, amongst others, peoples who can decode
the blueprint for and build the machine, but not redesign it, or understand
in any way the vital part of the signal (you). So their only option to
satisfy curiosity is to build and run the thing, and see what happens. Hey
presto! It's you!

Hmm, I think I just ripped off most of the plot of Contact. Damn.


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