RE: Extropian Progressives! Too!

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Sat Sep 16 2000 - 09:29:28 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:
> I have used this on visiting jehovahs witnesses. I ask what percentage
> of the neighborhood heeds their proselytizing. If they are honest, they
> will say a fraction of a percent. Then I ask if they are not causing the
> eternal destruction of the remaining 99+ percent. They usually shake
> the dust off their feet as they leave. {8^D spike

I know a Pagan friend who keeps tracts about Satanism by the door. He
offers to trade tracts with the Christians, but they never accept his offer.
He also says that the same ones never come back.

Harvey Newstrom, Security Testing Manager, Fiderus Security
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