Re: Small libraries

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Fri Sep 15 2000 - 07:20:51 MDT

On 9/15/00, at 6:53 AM, Amara Graps wrote:

>I have a sense that many here have similar small libraries; are
>we so unusual to other people?


A majority of Americans will even admit in polls that they don't read a book
a year. People who actively read amount to at most a couple percent of the
population. This is confirmed by the orders of magnitude between readers of
a bestseller and the number of viewers of a hit tv show.

I'm admittedly a hypertrophic case but my guess is that the smallest library
amongst us exceeds the average for self-described avid readers.


I get two reactions from people who hear about my books: envy (from the
ones who read books) and questions (from thems that don't). The second most
common question I'm asked (after the inane "Have you read all of them?") is
"Why don't you just take them out of the library?"

Because the library doesn't have them. We all have broad and esoteric interests,
and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Implicit in being extropian.

Because we need something to do while waiting for the Singularity :-).

-- David Lubkin.

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