Re: Extropian Progressives! Too!

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2000 - 07:33:11 MDT

Spike Jones wrote:
> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> > Thats why if you go to church on Sunday, totally ignorant that it is
> > not, in fact, the Sabbath, and do not follow the law of the Sabbath on Saturday,
> > then you are not in fact breaking the second commandment.
> The second commandment? The one about graven images? Or are
> you one of those that combines the first two, so that the second is
> about that name in vain business? Is it not strange that everyone
> thinks there are ten commandments, but when you actually read
> Exodus chapter 20, there are clearly 11 of them? Eliezer, what
> say ye?

Actually, there are ten, the Catholic church just did away with the original 2nd
commandment (which commands that you hold the sabbath holy and not do anything
on that day), and then split the tenth in two to cover their asses. Originally,
the tenth was both the 'shall not covet thy neighbors wife' and 'covet they
neighbors stuff', but the Catholic church split it up.
Where do you think they would get the authority to do such a thing? Well, since
the Xman allegedly delegated Peter to found his Church, the Pope is considered,
at least by catholics, to be the big man's 'vice regent' on earth and as such is
empowered to even change the bible, including times to worship... all of this is
the sort of stuff that many of the more anti-catholic protestants use to fit in
with their 'whore of babylon' interpretation of the prophesies of Daniel and of
John (which are both pretty consistent with each other) to apply to the Catholic
church, where they claim that worshipping on Sunday, i.e. worshipping the sun
(the prince of light, i.e. lucifer) is the mark of the beast, and only those who
still worship only on Saturday retain the Seal of God.

(I get all this from some pretty obnoxious anti-papist literature some outfit in
Oklahoma stuffed in my mailbox as junk mail, not realizing that I was raised

> > However, now that I've told you, you have no such excuse...bwahahahaha!!!
> I have used this on visiting jehovahs witnesses. I ask what percentage
> of the neighborhood heeds their proselytizing. If they are honest, they
> will say a fraction of a percent. Then I ask if they are not causing the
> eternal destruction of the remaining 99+ percent. They usually shake
> the dust off their feet as they leave.

Never hurts to make THEM feel guilty.

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