Re: Transparency and IP

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 20:21:54 MDT

Dan Fabulich wrote:
> Transparency works with IP, not against it. Yes, you can watch David
> Brin write his next novel as it's being written. But the police can
> see you performing an illegal observation, and arrest you for watching
> him.

Sorry, but: if there are such things as illegal observations, then you
fail to have 100% transparency. The example you cited is minor; a more
significant one would be, say, making it illegal for non-police to
observe an arrest (which means that anyone taping an arrest to prove
police brutality would have illegal evidence, inadmissable in a court of

>From the rest of your post, it seems that you agree - except that it is
not, techncially, transparency, since transparency goes both ways.

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