Re: SPACE: Radiation-Proof Bricks

From: David Lubkin (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 20:15:10 MDT

Catching up on the list...

Space colonization is better than planetary colonization for technological
man or uber-man; the value of avoiding gravity wells has been well-known
for decades.

But: Just as we should go to space in part to avoid putting all our eggs
in one basket, I think we should also have some solutions that fail-safe.
Some of us sentients should live in habitats that are not dependent on
advanced technology. That come with a biosphere that is capable of
sustaining organic, sentient life without use of technology.

Earth qualifies. A terraformed Mars or areoformed sentients on an
unmodified Mars qualify. Stardancers (Spider Robinson) qualify. Uploads
or AIs in a rad-hard, fault-tolerant architecture might qualify. I'm
skeptical about hollowed-out asteroids and L-5; I like them, but I haven't
seen designs that don't require on-going use of technology to sustain

-- David Lubkin.

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