Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Sep 12 2000 - 08:12:34 MDT wrote:
> In a message dated 9/11/00 8:51:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Yes. Name the free market corporation that was in charge of their
> persecution. >>
> Retro: ever hear of I.G. Farben during WW2?

Farben did not run the death camps, they were merely the contractors that
supplied them.

> Or the Belgian Gold Minning companies in the 19th century Congo?

Who were operating under plenipotentiary police authority from the government of
Belgium. Not a free market corporation.

> Or the 4000 dead in accidents like in Bhopal back in the 1980's?

Compared to what? The best you can come up with are isolated incidents where a
few hundred or few thousand people were killed, mostly by accident and not
intent, whereas governments kill in the tens of millions with intention. Where
is your moral relativism now???

> On the other hand these capitalists wouldn't have
> succeeded if not for Governments. Yet, The Adolph Hitler Fund, was supported
> from 1929-1945 by Krupp, and Messerschmidt, and so forth. The year 1929,
> rather then the start of WW2 (1939) is accurate as far as I have been able to
> tell. The German capitalists switched their funding from Von Pappen's
> Race-Nationalist's The National Partei to Hitler's National Socialists after
> 1926, all secretly of course. Anyway, yes governments kill 100000 times more
> then capitalists ever did. But be warned, the two work together.

You are talking about mercantilists, again. That does not answer my question.
You are instead trying to do a bait and switch...

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