Re: Why would AI want to be friendly?

Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 10:07:01 MDT

In a message dated 9/11/00 8:51:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<< Yes. Name the free market corporation that was in charge of their
persecution. >>
Retro: ever hear of I.G. Farben during WW2? Or the Belgian Gold Minning
companies in the 19th century Congo? Or the 4000 dead in accidents like in
Bhopal back in the 1980's? On the other hand these capitalists wouldn't have
succeeded if not for Governments. Yet, The Adolph Hitler Fund, was supported
from 1929-1945 by Krupp, and Messerschmidt, and so forth. The year 1929,
rather then the start of WW2 (1939) is accurate as far as I have been able to
tell. The German capitalists switched their funding from Von Pappen's
Race-Nationalist's The National Partei to Hitler's National Socialists after
1926, all secretly of course. Anyway, yes governments kill 100000 times more
then capitalists ever did. But be warned, the two work together.

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