Re: Microsoft doesn't put people in concentration camps

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 10:08:30 MDT

Emlyn O'Regan wrote:
> I've heard some very nasty things about the company that makes the brown
> fizzy drink and dead union officials,

Dead union officials, AFAICR, due to their mafia connections.

> and certain pumped up shoe makers have
> had their butts whipped in recent years over sweat shop labour.

Did they kill anybody? No. The anti-nike PR is from unions that are not allowed
in the countries Nike manufactures in. Not that they don't want the workers
represented, its that they don't want American mafia in their countries. Nike
employees make several times what they could possibly make elsewhere in their
country as unskilled laborers, and the US unions cannot say anything against
that, so they claim they are working in sweatshops instead. Here's a clue:
Vietnam is one huge sweatshop, its the natural environment.

> There's
> always the baby formula manufacturer, who's name shall remain nestle'd in
> secrecy, that employs (or at least used to employ) dastardly tactics to move
> third world mums from breastfeeding to formula, thus causing the deaths of
> many tiny tots due to direct exposure to the rotten local drinking water, or
> else starvation due to inability to afford the stuff (thanks for the
> mamaries).

So Nestle is employing armies of soldiers to hold mothers at gunpoint to prevent
them from breastfeeding? No? Well then, what allegedly 'dastardly' tactics are

> Or you might mention a certain org beloved of closer circles
> which thinks it's ok to make food seed with an off-switch (or which, more
> accurately I think, requires secret gunk to turn it on).

Which has killed how many people? None. Damn, they are just 'dastards' arent'

> But I think the only crime against humanity that MS has perpetrated is VB.
> The bastards!

Yup, making programming easier for people is sure a crime to someone... notably
C++ programmers who can't command automatic six figure salaries.

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