Re: Homeless

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Sep 11 2000 - 10:15:55 MDT

Randy Smith wrote:
> There is a demand for housing, and there are people with some money who want
> housing. That would certainly be to their benefit to buy real estaet, but
> when they win, others lose. Who? Those who already are house owners would
> lose. Now their commodity is less valuable.
> Wealth is relative, in many ways.
> 60% of American householders own their own homes. A significant % of
> Americans (20%? 30%?) would like to own a home but may not be able to afford
> what they want under *current*market*conditions*.
> 60% > 30%! Game over man, game over.
> There are, of course, other factors, but I see this as the main dynamic.

Artifically induced market conditions, you ought to say, since at least 1/3 of
the US is under the ownership of the federal and state governments, where no
development is allowed. Since the Constitution forbids federal ownership outside
of DC, its all 'held in trust' for the people, but when the people try to claim
their property, they are faced with guns and stormtroopers...

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