(no subject)

From: Alex Future Bokov (alexboko@umich.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 00:44:13 MDT

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 QueeneMUSE@aol.com wrote:

> The two things I totally disagree with the most frequent posters about, and
> quite often (!) are 1) libertarian politics - which I regard as destructive,
> lacking in compassion, humanity and empathy, and 2) The deity of Ayn Rand
> (who seems unsocialized, maladjusted and quite possibly a pathological
> misanthrope).
> (Paul, just dont forget: not all Extropians post all their random babblings
> to the list ten times a day like some of us).

Ayn Rand encompasses all modern anarchist/libertarian/chaordic/agoric
thinking about as well as Marx encompasses all modern
socialism/liberalism or Freud encompasses all modern psychology.
Randroids are a caricature that is true in a few cases, but most of the
people you are speaking with are as intelligent and complex as you are,
disagreements notwithstanding. When we reduce this to sharp duality, we
are doing both our own opinion and that of others a disservice.

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