Re: META: Why I'm boycotting Extropy (TM)

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Thu Sep 07 2000 - 21:42:58 MDT

> 1) libertarian politics - which I regard as destructive,
> lacking in compassion, humanity and empathy, ...

I can lie back and take abuse sometimes, but this is just
too much. Nadia, this statement is ignorant, pompous, and
just about diametrically opposite of reality. The most
greedy, heartless bastards I know personally are all self-
proclaimed "compassionate" liberals who think the wolrd
owes them and their causes something for nothing. The
rest of us actually have to work and earn our keep--and
yours. And most of us are quite generous with others, and
don't mind spreading it around a bit (even though we may
resent it being taken by force). Compassion at gunpoint
is not compassion at all--it is the liberal point of view
that denies the existence of compassion, that assumes and
counts on people to be the greedy bastards liberals think
everyone is but them, when the reality is that they just
want the state to take control so they don't have to feel
guilty about not giving of themselves voluntarily. The
next time you see a hungry homeless man on the street, ask
yourself what would be of more benefit to him: (1) empathy,
compassion, and humanity; or (2) water, food, and shelter.
Now, what economic system is likely to produce the most
water, food, and shelter for the most people?

I'll take on a rational argument about the failure of the
market in certain places anytime, and I'll even concede a
few points. But this emotional bullshit deserves no respect
and needs to be ridiculed for what it is.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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