Re: National Nanotechnology Initiative

From: Corbally (
Date: Tue Aug 29 2000 - 17:18:44 MDT

>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:43:44 PDT
>From: "Zero Powers" <>
>Subject: Re: National Nanotechnology Initiative
>>From: "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <>
>>Damien Broderick wrote:
>> >
>> > At 02:36 PM 27/08/00 -0700, Gina wrote:
>> >
>> > >
>> >
>> > So frustrating to find that the names Drexler, Merkle and Freitas are
>> > nowhere to be found in this 144 page document.
>>Guess the whole theory of "Be public and open, so that you have some
>>influence in how things go" turned out to be a load of horse hockey.
>>Nice-sounding theory, didn't work in practice. Drexler gambled and
>1. I don't think Drexler "lost." OK, so he isn't mentioned in the NNI
>paper. So what? I'm sure that everyone who *is* mentioned knows that
>Drexler is the leading visionary in the field.
>2. That fact that Drexler & Co. are not formally recognized by the
>governmental effort, I think, attests more to the radical uses Drexler sees
>for strong nanotech than the transparency he advocates. Absolutely *no one*
>who needs the vote of middle America to keep his job is going to push a
>national nano initiative and at the same time give official recognition to a
>guy who says that nano will be used for things like giving people indefinite
>lifespan and unlimited wealth. It sounds just a little to far out for mere
>entropians to grasp. Not to mention the fact if you give recognition to
>Drexler’s contributions you will inevitably have to confront his writings on
>the “gray goo” problem. That’s definitely *not* something you want
>associated with your nano initiative if you are a politician.
>Bottom line, if Drexler was in it to have a positive impact on the
>development of nano he has done, and is doing, that. On the other hand, if
>he was in it just to be recognized by Joe Q. Public as the ground-breaking
>pioneer in the field, OK, perhaps he lost. But if that was his motivation,
>I’m glad he lost.

I've a feeling (and it's only my opinion BTW) that he's happy enough that
ppl are at least taking the technology seriously. I guess he knows that if
he at least gets the ball rolling, sooner or later those who take up the
torch will come full circle and realise the kinds of things he'd talked
about all along, have become possible.
I'm sure he's aware that most radical thinkers aren't appreciated in their
time. But at least if they take up his ideas, in the future he came come
back and bask in the glory:) He'd have earned it too.

At least, if it were me, that's how I'd handle it...

(Just my tupence worth)

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