Re: Reward for identity? Re: Limits of tolerance

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2000 - 21:04:03 MDT

Brian Atkins wrote:

> Would anyone like to get together and provide a reward for the positive
> ID of the person? Might induce Max to hire a lawyer. Deja and the ISP
> the person used should be able to give us all we need.

The problem here with hiring a lawyer is that it is unclear how to
ever establish a level of proof sufficient for a case in the law court.
So what if we identify the perp to the satisfaction of this list?
Would a jury be impressed? I fear not.

This brings up yet another paradox presented by this medium.
Internet postings are the most evanescent form of communication,
just so many wispy electrons with no ink-on-paper tangeability.
Yet the actual permanence of these communications exceeds
the that of the most profound words chiseled into the most
durable stone. spike

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