Re: >H Shutting the Internet Down.

From: \[ Robert-Coyote \] (
Date: Mon Jul 17 2000 - 10:33:41 MDT

Disconnect the box?

There will likely be (is?) a broadly statute proclaiming that any
unauthorised alteration or tampering, disconnecting of the box is
collusion, accessory to whatever "crime" they are investigating,
cyber-terrorism, conspiracy to cyber-terrorism, and obstruction.

Only qualified agents may alter or tamper with the box.. and there will be a
long, expensive bureaucratic nightmare to accomplish this.

Paul Hughes said:

> Transhuman Mailing List
> I just read this article by Robert X. Cringley:

What an appropriate name.

> Original Article:

> But I have my own theory about Carnivore. From a network
> architecture standpoint, the best location for Carnivore is right after
> the ISP's router. This puts Carnivore in the path of every packet
> entering or leaving the ISP. It's also a major reason why ISPs might
> not want to install Carnivore boxes -- it's the network's point of
> greatest vulnerability. In this position, Carnivore can act as a
> listening and recording device, OR IT CAN ACT AS A SWITCH. If
> we ever hear a proposal from the FBI in which it plans to install
> Carnivores at all 6000 ISPs in the U.S., we'll be giving the
> government the power to do something it can't do right now.

> Shut the Internet down.

For the approximately ten minutes it will take ISP owners to figure
out what happened, and disconnect the box.


John S. Novak, III
The Humblest Man on the Net
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