Re: Soros' new investment

From: Dwayne (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 09:01:33 MDT

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> He used to be adamantly capitalist/free-market oriented.


> However he seems to
> have reached his dotage, and he has taken on a very socialist/mercantilist
> stance (which is consistent with his current preference for gold) against free
> markets,

As he said what his reasons are?

> and while he has been funding many enterprise development projects in
> the Soviet Union, he also funds quite a bit of leftist/liberal political causes
> here in the US, including large amounts of money for gun control groups,

Oh right so he's a good guy. I thought you thought he was a bad guy?

> as well
> as support for pro-world government like the World Federalist Society, and other
> anti-freedom causes.

Given the current polarisation of the world towards US hegemony, a world
govt would be a good idea, but I'd rather no governments.


 "the cricher we kno as dwayne is only the projection
into our dimension of something much larger and wirder."

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