email archives as a personal journal

From: john grigg (
Date: Wed Apr 05 2000 - 16:08:54 MDT

Mike Lorrey wrote:
Hell, my email archives are the closest to a journal or diary I've ever done
(the advantage is that it records what other people say to me, not just my
own thoughts and words, so there's a bit more objectivity to it). Asking me
to store a closet full of absolute crap (Hey, I'm humble, I know I've wasted
a good sized hunk of my life) for my entire life is as close to an unpaid
taking as you can get in your private life.

I feel the same way. My two email accounts are both commercial sites
(Excite and Microsoft) and I have let things go at times to the point where
I go over the storage limits and I lose emails because they automatically
'trim' my account. I have lost some priceless emails(to me) due to this. I
need to get into the habit of storing on hard disk or even better making
hard copies of my correspondance. I have lost some special emails and feel
sick about it.


John Grigg

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