Re: Hated rulers

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 19:42:45 MST

stencil wrote:
> In extropians-digest V5 #84
> Adrian Tymes quotes<>
> >Cynthia wrote:
> [...]
> >>
> >> If this idea caught on, then corporations would have to compete against each
> >> other to win bids. If countries adopted this idea, government would be reduced
> >> to the boring task of keeping the streets clean, and making the trains run on
> >> time.
> >
> >An interesting idea, but how would you keep these new governments from
> >passing laws that lock out all competitors, to prevent replacement in
> >case they themselves become corrupt (or were corrupt all along)?
> Why not arm the citizens?

Because that would give the goons an excuse to shoot the citizens? As I
understand it, we're trying to come up with a solution that will produce
rule of law, without *always* having to back it up with force.

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