Re: Hated rulers

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2000 - 23:53:35 MST

>From: Adrian Tymes <>
>stencil wrote:
> > In extropians-digest V5 #84
> > Adrian Tymes quotes<>
> > >Cynthia wrote:
> > [...]
> > >>
> > >> If this idea caught on, then corporations would have to compete
>against each
> > >> other to win bids. If countries adopted this idea, government would
>be reduced
> > >> to the boring task of keeping the streets clean, and making the
>trains run on
> > >> time.
> > >
> > >An interesting idea, but how would you keep these new governments from
> > >passing laws that lock out all competitors, to prevent replacement in
> > >case they themselves become corrupt (or were corrupt all along)?
> >
> > Why not arm the citizens?
>Because that would give the goons an excuse to shoot the citizens? As I
>understand it, we're trying to come up with a solution that will produce
>rule of law, without *always* having to back it up with force.

Good ol' US style democracy should do the trick. Legislation that freed the
government to devolve toward tyranny would never pass here, particularly if
a good helping of power-proportional transparency was thrown in.


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