Re: Bood and Gad

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sun Mar 26 2000 - 12:45:42 MST wrote:
> > > > ... for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it
> > > > so: <Hamlet 2:2>
> > Good is a useful word, because there are some things which we ought to
> > pursue; we call them goods.
> The truth is, this is a conundrum.
> It is like this: The following statement is true. The preceding statement is
> false.
> In other words, both "good and bad are entirely subjective".
> "Objective values of good and bad exist, based on valuing of human life and
> happiness."
> Argue in favor of one or the other until you are blue in the face, but both
> will be true.

Not until you say:"Some things are considered good and bad subjectively,
but there are some objective, universal thruths, to which all other
things can be compared as a matter of relativity, or as subjective to
those objcetive truths." This cuts the knot. At this point, anyone who
still thinks all things are subjective looks foolish, because there ARE
universal thruths: gravity, relativity, tanstaafl, etc.

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