Waco FLIR test

From: Joe Dees (joedees@addall.com)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2000 - 20:55:02 MST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)      Under the moderating influence of a glass of 1997 Brophy Clark Sauvignon Blanc, I decided to sum up the state of affairs concerning the recent FLIR test at the Mount Carmel compound. My conclusions are as follows:
1) Both sides have expressed their satisfaction with the results of the test, each claiming that it supports their contention. It was not entirely certain that this would happen, as the alternative, that one side would cry foul, was possible; however, given that both sides express approval, it was certain that each side would claim that the mutually accepted test confirmed their assertions on the matter.
2) There is to be an independent review of the results of the test. Whichever side of the debate fares the worse for wear in such a review is certain to attempt to impugn the independence, integrity and impartiality of the independent reviewer, whoever (s)he may be.
3) Ian Goddard will not be chosen as this reviewer, for the possibility that such gunfire did not transpire is as alien to him as the possibility that some gun control would be beneficial for all and sundry is alien to Mike Lorrey.

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