those missing men

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 18:24:14 MST

At 04:01 PM 18/03/00 PST, JG wrote:

>Actually most New Zealanders are women
>Why is that? Where have the men gone?

`Most' means `greater than half'.

More boy babies are born than girl babies everywhere. They die thereafter
more rapidly. By 25, women in the USA are 50.3% of the population. By 100,
they're 81.7 %. - 1990 data, graphed prettily on a site I quickly found at
random; although I find its agenda sus[pect, the data seem reliable:

Same in NZ, same here in Oz, same everywhere probably (dunno abt China,
where they're said to be offing lots of little girls).

Where have the men gone? Gone to flowers...


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