Re: American Imperialism?

From: Robert Owen (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 18:24:42 MST

Octavio Rojas Diaz wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> On 18/03/00, 07:32:12 a.m., "Zero Powers" <>
> wrote regarding Re: American Imperialism?:
> > Right, that is *not* imperialism. Imperialism is extending a nation's
> > authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of
> economic and
> > political hegemony over other nations. The US is not doing this. We
> are
> > basically acting as the referee in the world's international wrestling
> > matches, and enforcing the rules when we notice low blows. No, no one
> > appointed us as the referee, but we're the biggest kid on the block
> and have
> > assumed the role of shot caller by default. Maybe its a good thing,
> maybe
> > its not. But it is definitely *not* imperialism.
> > -Zero
> I sincerely wish the U.S., was doing what you say, but unfortunately
> the U.S. is still a very imperialist and interventionist country.
> However please note, That this is because of the way the government
> handles
> international issues and I'm sure more Americans oppose to imperialism
> and most
> most of it's current foreign policies, than those who advocate them.
> But unfortunately when you live in America, you don't get all the
> information
> about the things that happen in our regions of the world.
> Speaking of my country (Mexico)
> Although after the end of the usa/Mexico war when we lost more than
> half our
> territory the usa has never invaded or threatened us militarily,
> they've forced
> us to do what they think it's better using all sorts of resources or
> excuses.
> An example of this is the certification measure, here in Mexico every
> time the
> congress up there is deciding if we'll get or not certified. it
> creates a lot of
> tension and hurts our relations because it's an unilateral procedure
> based on
> U.S. Interests only and not ours, but they still implement it, because
> it's
> easier to use scape goats and pretend they are combating drug abuse by
> being tough
> on poor defenseless countries instead of looking wiser alternatives to
> this senseless
> drug war, and I could quote several other examples (operation
> casablanca, etc.)
> that the U.S. government does to force us their beliefs or systems.
> And well to avoid unnecessary rants, I'll just say is not very fair
> for a country to
> use it's enormous military or economic power to force other countries
> do things they
> don't like, and that in my opinion is... imperialism, call it neo
> imperialism if you want
> but it still doesn't make it any less worse.
> A lot of people in this world go to jail or suffer unnecesarily, just
> because the American
> government in their big brother approach. Think people, aren't mature
> and rational enough
> to know what they should and shouldn't use or do with their lifes, and
> that everybody
> needs to be protected against the "dangers" of drugs/communism/insert
> your favorite excuse here.
> However don't get the wrong message here, I know there are governments
> who are or would be a lot worse
> if they could, and that our corrupt government has as much fault as
> the usa in all this, and
> I'm 99% certain that if our government (knowing their habits) had the
> power of the U.S. Would
> be a lot worse... However, that is no excuse to overlook what the
> American government likes to do
> with other countries (or their own people sometimes) in the name of
> justice and peace.
> But being a bit more positive I think that with the arrival of the
> Internet, globalization and
> meme generators like this list, we'll see the end of imperialism as we
> know it.
> Any comments?

Many comments, Octavio. I would prefer to see what others have
say before respond.

But you have said precisely what everyone abroad who has
actually EXPERIENCED the effect of Corporate Imperialism
[we euphemistically refer to it the was you did, as "American
Interests" a P.R. triumph for corporate America] will say if
they feel they can speak candidly.

Your post is precisely what is MOST needed for the education
of naive American public opinion.

May I congratulate you for your honesty?

Best wishes,


Robert M. Owen
The Orion Institute
57 W. Morgan Street
Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA

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