Re: Ooh a gun fight!! (Was Re: near anything boxes allowed...)

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 05:18:44 MST

Anton Sherwood wrote:
> > Zero Powers wrote:
> > > So when you *said* "FBI Database of Crime Statistics"
> > > what you *meant* was _More Guns, Less Crime_?
> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> > Which is the only broadly accepted, complete analysis of the FBI
> > Database of Crime Statistics ever done with regard to gun control laws.
> > The anti-gunners have not been able to disprove any of his conclusions
> > with their own study. The best they can do is cherry pick 5 (count em:
> > 5) counties in the US where their claims held up for short periods, and
> > those abberrations John Lott has shown were entirely due to single
> > crimes (spree killings).
> Usually these arguments don't get as far as the cherry basket. Lott did
> his analysis while at U.Chicago on a visiting scholarship funded by the
> Olin Foundation, which has ancestral links to the Olin Corporation,
> which makes ammo (among other things?); so the fascists crow that Lott
> is "a paid whore for the death industry," and smugly retire from the
> field.
> Never mind that the Olin Foundation (let alone the Olin Corporation)
> exercises no control over the scholarship. The appointment is in the
> hands of people in the Chicago economics faculty. The previous
> incumbent, David Friedman (who was on this list once upon a time), says
> he met someone from Olin exactly once, at a banquet or some such; she
> asked what he was working on, and blanched a bit when he told her the
> benefits of legalizing heroin (or some such thing), but said nothing.

Oh, Anton, Thank YOU VERY MUCH. That is such a sweet bit to retort with
whenever they try to bring this up.

Mike Lorrey

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