Re: Ooh a gun fight!! (Was Re: near anything boxes allowed...)

From: Anton Sherwood (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 23:00:50 MST

> Zero Powers wrote:
> > So when you *said* "FBI Database of Crime Statistics"
> > what you *meant* was _More Guns, Less Crime_?

"Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> Which is the only broadly accepted, complete analysis of the FBI
> Database of Crime Statistics ever done with regard to gun control laws.
> The anti-gunners have not been able to disprove any of his conclusions
> with their own study. The best they can do is cherry pick 5 (count em:
> 5) counties in the US where their claims held up for short periods, and
> those abberrations John Lott has shown were entirely due to single
> crimes (spree killings).

Usually these arguments don't get as far as the cherry basket. Lott did
his analysis while at U.Chicago on a visiting scholarship funded by the
Olin Foundation, which has ancestral links to the Olin Corporation,
which makes ammo (among other things?); so the fascists crow that Lott
is "a paid whore for the death industry," and smugly retire from the

Never mind that the Olin Foundation (let alone the Olin Corporation)
exercises no control over the scholarship. The appointment is in the
hands of people in the Chicago economics faculty. The previous
incumbent, David Friedman (who was on this list once upon a time), says
he met someone from Olin exactly once, at a banquet or some such; she
asked what he was working on, and blanched a bit when he told her the
benefits of legalizing heroin (or some such thing), but said nothing.

Anton Sherwood  *\\*  *\\*

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