SSPLC v militia - a pox apiece

From: Anton Sherwood (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000 - 03:49:30 MST wrote:
> Do you accept the data gathered by the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Well, no, because the one thing I know for sure about SPLC is that it
slandered some friends of mine.

A few years ago, the International Society for Individual Liberty (whose
president I mentioned in another post) had its annual conference at
Whistler, a resort in British Columbia. SPLC tipped the Canadian press
that it would be a gathering of racists, fascists and antisemites. So
the press showed up and found Africans debating the theories of such
noted antisemites as Milton Friedman, Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand.

Tim Starr (who was once on this list) quoted one reporter as saying in
disgust, "You people aren't interesting at all!"

(See also

> ... Actually, I am not interested in feeling safer by
> taking away your firearms. I just want to have mine when the mouth
> breathers and droolers come over the hill.

Amen to that. Likewise I have no stake in proving the militias to be
nice guys, but they worry me way less than the other extremist kooks,
the ones with badges.

Anton Sherwood  *\\*  *\\*

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