Re: The US Department of Defense's New AntiterrorismSquads-Thefaceof tota...

Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 06:19:23 MST

In a message dated 03/13/2000 2:15:55 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> The question is of dubious relevance anyway; the militia movement is not
> and never was monolithic. It may well include racists; it also includes
> Blacks (like the spokesman for a prominent Ohio group) and Jews (like
> most of the San Diego group, or so it was said some years ago).
Comming from Ohio, I know who you mean (the fellow who testified before the
House of Representatives)and I believe left the org because of Klan
infiltration, among other reasons. Did ya know that after Butler goes to
that big Klan Rally in the sky, Aryan Nations is considering a move here?

Do you accept the data gathered by the Southern Poverty Law Center? Too
Leftist for ya? Academics? Defamation League? Funny thing is, I am frequently
doubtful about what the government does simply because its dominated by
self-serving lawyers-everyone has hit Law school, if not passed their bar
exam. So when a prosecuter says something, I scrutinize it for possible
motivations (career-wise benefit) as well as defense lawyers who again,
formulate "reality"
to suit their wallets, "ain't that right OJ?"

After looking into some of the militia's personally, and finding their booths
loaded with literature of a truely doubtful patriotism; one can surmise
pretty much who they are. Let me make it clearer, the pamphlets and such
were klan material intermixed with anti-tax and anti-government crapolla.
What am I supposed to decide, coupled with reports that appear to butress my
own personal experiences? Actually, I am not interested in feeling safer by
taking away your firearms. I just want to have mine when the mouth breathers
and droolers come over the hill.

Yours, in Paranoia

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