Re: near anything boxes allowed to br in the hands of the public?

Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 19:40:42 MST

In a message dated 3/13/00 5:37:14 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> Is it not true that the NRA opposes virtually *every* single piece of
> gun-control legislation that comes down the pike? Is it not true that the
> NRA opposes any attempt reduce the production of new guns? Is it not true
> that the NRA is opposed to reducing the number of guns now in circulation?
> Is it not true that there are more guns in America than there are
> Is it not true that the NRA sees no problem with the ratio of guns to
> people? Please stop me when I've said something that is not true.
I don't have a problem with any of the above....sounds like pretty good ideas
to me.


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