Re: near anything boxes allowed to br in the hands of the public?

From: Don Klemencic (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 22:47:24 MST

>From Greg Burch:
<The point of this digression is that the military think-tank establishment
is already developing a mind-set that could evolve into one adaptable to
"nano-war": The factors described above in connection with anticipation of a
strategic and tactical environment characterized by a tiered deployment of
increasingly autonomous and smaller and smaller munitions seems capable of
evolving into the ultimate development of "robo-warfare" at the molecular

With the trend being to reduce "collateral damage" in military operations
and to adopt sub-lethal weapons in police operations (because of a growing
sensitivity on the part of an informed public?), couldn't the end result be
the development of something with the equivalent effect of H.G.Wells' gas of
peace in his film Things to Come? The mode of delivery pictured there would
be impractical, but what about a subsubmunition resembling a swarm of gnats
(with boring capabilities) delivering a sleeping gas by injection? To be
followed by swift occupation and disarmament of the 'bad guys'. That's
crude, but you get the idea.

Don Klemencic

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