Re: Present Dangers to Transhumanism

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Mar 13 2000 - 08:05:00 MST

**** Byegones for the delayed response and/or if previously posted ****

On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 wrote:
> > The proper terms for the 'right' and 'left' in transhumanist thought are
> >'extropic' and 'borganist', respectively...
> >
> > Mike Lorrey
> Well, *this* particular left-transhumanist would prefer to be an aristo
> over a borganism any day, thankyouverymuch. The designation I have always
> used in the past to describe the odd few lefties in this memespace -- very
> much with tongue in cheek -- is "leftropian".
> Leftropians of the world, fan out!

I was going to stay out of this discussion but it is going from bad
to worse -- now I can't even read it. It would appear this entire
area is pointing out some shortcomings in my American education.
I can probably speak three or four different machine languages,
but this politico-speak, even when I understand the roots (such as
"extropy" and "Borg") is like someone throwing seeds onto rocks in
the desert. Even if I water them, they still don't grow.

Is there a document someplace that relates some fairly well understood
philosophies (democrat/republican/socialist/communist/libertarian) into their
extro-speak equivalents (left-transhumanist/leftropians/extropic/borganist)?

Jeesh, I beginning to think the computer geeks have been given a bad
rap with regard to accusations that their acronyms are exclusionary...
Maybe everyone does it...


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