Re: near-anything boxes allowed to be in the hands of the public?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 22:03:49 MST

>From: "Robert J. Bradbury" <>
>For a group to cause trouble, you need to make a case for *what* would
>motivate them to cause trouble. Increased wealth and mobility should
>give people the ability to simply avoid or transcend the things that
>have motivated trouble makers in the past (oppression, taxation,
>prejudice, etc.). Only if we get some loony-tunes religious or
>anarchist terror groups that think their way is the only way will
>we have something to worry about. Its not the average wo/man you
>need to worry about, its the people who would want to control *all*
>of us that are a concern.

The religious get my vote for "most likely to ruin the party." Everybody
else can be reasoned with or, as you suggest, have their demands met at
little or no cost to a nano-capable world. But Muslim and Christian
fundamentalists will not be satisfied until they have imposed their
worldview on everyone else. I'm less worried about the Christians because,
except in the case of abortion clinics, they rarely seem interested anymore
in resorting to violence to reach their ends. The Muslims on the other
hand...can you say Osama Bin Laden with a near-anything device? Yikes, and
double yikes!


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