Re: >Boredom of Immortality (was Re: imaging the world)

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Tue Mar 07 2000 - 21:54:50 MST

>Zero, how can you know or have confidence that you will never ever >get
>bored as long as you have fresh questions to answer? You may >get fatigued
>of the questioning, the endless searching? But its a >big universe to
>learnn about and inhabit, so maybe the race goes to >the curious?

Well, as with any prediction of the future, I can only extrapolate from
present conditions. I have only been alive 37 years and, due in large part
to my voracious curiosity, I have rarely if ever suffered from any prolonged
period of boredom (so long as I have had access to materials with which to
attempt to satisfy my curiosity--namely an interesting book or access to the
internet). Now, I know its a bit presumptuous to try to predict the next
37,000 years based upon only the past 37, but given my present significant
cognitive and experiential limitations its the best I can do.

Maybe I'm wrong, but right now I believe that as long as there are
unanswered questions and access to the data which may yield answers to those
questions, I'll always have something to do which will hold my interest,
i.e. I will not be bored.


"To infinity and beyond!"
-- B. Lightyear

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