Mr. Larouche and others like him....

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Mar 06 2000 - 15:14:01 MST

Spudboy wrote:
You won't get me in on Mr. Larouche's party, any more then you'd interest me
in L. Ron Hubbard's group. Count me out.

A couple of year's ago there were alot of Larouche supporters giving out
newsletters here in Anchorage. I vaguely remember the papers lashing out at
the Federal government and the IRS. I can see why considering that Mr.
Larouche spent several year's in prison on tax evasion charges.

The man lived or lives like a king with a mansion and all the luxuries. I
don't know if he had the wealth before or after he had supporters donating
money to him.

I was enjoy some of L. Ron Hubbard's fiction. I got a huge kick out of
"Battlefield Earth" and it was a fast read despite around a thousand pages!
I really look forward to the film which stars scientology member John
Travolta, who pushed for the film to be made. About a decade ago, the book
was partially filmed but then canned.

Because of Travolta and others I developed a vague interest in scientology
until I read sections of a book at my local library that gave an insider's
view on how the organization really operated. I was shocked. Needless to
say, scientology leadership, I believe, successfully lobbied to
remove it from their inventory. The system does seem to help some, though.
I wonder how?


John Grigg

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