Re: imaging the world

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun Mar 05 2000 - 20:54:23 MST

> Robert Owen wrote: that if you were to observe yourself most
> carefully at these times, you would probably discover
> some responses that are gauche, not entirely what is expected
> from most others. A negative feedback loop develops, and....

Gauche, adj: Awkward of manner, lacking social grace; tactless, clumsy.

Ja, I wouldnt be surprised. {8-]

> An extroverted feeling-type friend could probably tell you what
> behavior could be helpfully modified.

Um, I dont know if I have any of those. {8^D My friends are
too much like me. Which brings me back to where we started:
we may be reinforcing each other, so much so that we dont
even realize how out-there we are.

Now of course, I *enjoy* being out there. But still. spike

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