Re: CR pill?

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 23:27:21 MST

> >... how in the heck do they figure that making one more
> >healthy, active, less diseased etc at any given stage of life would
> >not extend the length of life? I totally dont grok that. spike
> Zero Powers wrote:
> Spike, I think you're confusing life span with life expectancy. By making
> old folks healthier, stronger, etc. you can extend their "life expectancy."
> But "life span" is (currently thought to be) fixed at about 125 years,
> regardless of how healthy you happen to be when you get there.

Oh. Ja, I guess I was confusing those. OK, Ill settle for 125 years.
That should take me to... 2085, and surely we will have figured out some
reeeally cool life extension tech by then. {8-] spike

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