Re: CR pill?

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 18:57:20 MST

>From: Spike Jones <>
>Brian Manning Delaney wrote:
> > Surprisingly, though, many (though not most) scientists say the same
> > privately that they say publicly, i.e., they, in fact, are not
>interested in
> > extending human life span....
>Yes, and I find this most disturbing, that it seems to be getting
>more and more politically incorrect to try to extend human
>lifespans. Is it not? Am I just over-sensitive to it?
>Secondly, how in the heck do they figure that making one more
>healthy, active, less diseased etc at any given stage of life would
>not extend the length of life? I totally dont grok that. spike

Spike, I think you're confusing life span with life expectancy. By making
old folks healthier, stronger, etc. you can extend their "life expectancy."
But "life span" is (currently thought to be) fixed at about 125 years,
regardless of how healthy you happen to be when you get there.


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