Re: McCain and the religious right

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 18:25:00 MST

Brian D Williams wrote:

> From: Spike Jones <>
> >> Better to start briefing John McCain.
> >I saw where McCain took a shot at Falwell, Robertson and
> >Sharpton today. I may hafta vote for him. spike
> Yes, with Gore and Bradley to the left and Bush to the right,
> McCain has wisely staked out the center. McCain has also shown the
> most interest as far as Mars is concerned. Add in the fact that
> he's a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and a Vietnam Veteran
> and former POW, and I think we have a winner.

He's not a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. He is a strong supporter of
the 'good gun, bad gun' thin grey line mentality that those who keep giving up
ground in appeasement to the gun controllers promote. He says I have no right
to own an AR-15 (a semi-automatic target and hunting rifle) because some people
claim it has no 'sporting purpose' (a phrase created by the Nazis in their
Riechsgeletsblatt), but that the military does (even though by the strict
interpretation that the guncontrollers prefer, every member of the militia MUST
own an assault weapon (and who is the militia, but every able bodied member of
the electorate)). He says my local government can deny me my right to protect
myself because police are supposed to protect me (even though dozens of Appeals
and Supreme Court cases have maintained that no police agency has the authority
or responsibility to protect individual citizens from crime).
He says he's pro-2nd Amendment, but only the way he wants to interpret it.

> While the republician party is 25 to 30% social conservatives, it
> is also 15 to 20% social libertarians, a fact the religious right
> ignores.
> Welcome aboard, enjoy the ride.... ;)

I'm hardly a religious conservative, but I far more prefer the Natural Rights
arguments of Alan Keyes to the centrist poll driven moral relativism most major
candidates pander to. I voted for Bush in the New Hampshire primary because
as I
was waiting in line to vote at least half the democrats were busy changing
registration to independents just so they could vote for McCain, then changing
their registration back to Democrat right after voting, indicating they intend
to vote democrat in the fall and were just trying to futz up the GOP process. I
went in intending to vote for Keyes, but changed to Bush after seeing how much
the Democrats were trying to ambush the GOP process. Its too bad there wasn't a
useful holy fool on the Dem side to vote for, I might have changed my
registration so I could futze up their process.... ;)

Michael S. Lorrey
Director, Grafton County Fish & Game Assoc.
Member, Extropy Institute
Member, National Rifle Association
"Live Free or Die, Death is not the Worst of Evils."
                   - General John Stark

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