US POLITICS was Re: mccain vs religious right

From: James Wetterau (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2000 - 10:08:04 MST

Lee Daniel Crocker says:
> > > > Better to start briefing John McCain.
> > >I saw where McCain took a shot at Falwell, Robertson and
> > >Sharpton today. I may hafta vote for him. spike
> >
> > Better to go with the dems, who never pandered to the religious
> > right in the first place.
> That's true; they generally pander to the green gestapo and
> the liberal mush-heads. I'm not sure who's worse: Christian
> fundies or Enviro-fundies.

Yuck. Puke.

  I'm not sure which is worse, the evil torturer who beats me with the
  cat o' nine tails, or the one who kicks me in the kidneys with the
  steel-toed boot. Gee, the cat o' nine tails sure smarts, but the
  boot does more long-term damage. Guess I'll go with the cat.

I'm devoting zero cycles to figuring out which is worse. Anybody,
from any party who thinks it's acceptable to have a war on drugs
throwing millions of people into prison (all of the major candidates),
who thinks it's acceptable to steal people's income as tax to fund
unnecessary expenditures (yes, like trips to Mars, for God's sake, or
acting as the world's policeman, or fighting the accursed drug war in
Colombia, or whatever, i.e. all of the major candidates), who opposes
gun rights, or abortion rights, or who believes in censorship, or who
wants to "defend marriage" by forbidding homosexuals from doing it, or
who wants to "save Social Security" with my money, or who wants to
regulate international trade, or keep immigrants out, does not deserve
your vote or my vote.

I cannot in good conscience vote for tyrants or thieves, and neither
should you. And don't tell me about the lesser of two evils, how the
wronge lizard might win, as Douglas Adams might say.

In the game of divide and conquer, the divided do not win. The
conquerors win. Don't play that game, unless you want to be a

All the best!

P.S. Who wins the election will make very little difference. The
system is carefully set up that way. But it will be Gore, because the
economy's doing well. When the economy's going ok, the incumbent or
sitting veep win. You can bet on it.

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