for Trygve Bauge.....

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 18:00:46 MST

"Trygve B. Bauge" wrote:
A challenge for the next century!Introduction: On February the 28th, 2000,
it was 100 years since the birth of my grandfather Bredo Morstøl, presently
in cryonic suspension in Nederland,Colorado. He has now been suspended for
10 years.

I was very impressed by the scope of your vision and hopes for the future of
society. I liked the focus on personal freedom to travel and emergency
preparedness. You could be the father of the survivalist/transhumanist
movement! :)

Congratulations to your grandfather for being suspended. perhaps, one day I
will get to meet him in the flesh! What organization is maintaining him
while in suspension?

you wrote:
And let us be sure our constitutional charter makes it a punishable felony
to attempt to outlaw the most life-extending treatments like cryonics &
human cloning.

To me this would be a violation of a person's right to stand up for what
they view is right. I could never agree with this.

Anyway, welcome to the list. I hope the world takes on the shape you
envision. I want to learn more about the communities on the high sea's you
are developing.


John Grigg
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