Asia's role in the present and future.....

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 17:43:06 MST

Eliezer wrote:
(From other sources, I get the impression that Japan might be truly clued.
Heck, even their anime is pretty clued. Look to the Japanese to be the first
culture to emotionally accept the upheaval ahead.) I am very interested in
knowing how much China knows, seeing as how the Orient looks to be the
bogeyman of this century.

Very interesting comments. As I understand, the Japanese government and
academia saw the promise in nanotech long before the United States did and
funded appropriately. And so a hidden major reason for the Clinton
administration's generous funding of nano research is to deal with the
foreign competition! Competition can be a good thing, eh?

Considering the nature of Japanese anime, I would say they look forward to a
technologically transformed society and that they, like the west, have some
strong fervor for apocalyptic views. When giant transforming robots are a
staple of modern militaries we had all better watch out for Japan though!

I do also worry about China. I hope they can learn to live peaceably with
the rest of their global neighbors. I think of China like an adolescent
male who was pushed around alot by neighborhood bullies who have since grown
up and matured emotionally. But the victim of this is still carrying a big
grudge and wants to kick some butt to prove his place in the neighborhood.
The question is, can we guide this lad of one billion people to that state
of societal maturity without a major hot or cold war??


John Grigg
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