Re: Upload Projects (Was: rehabilitation versus punishment ...)

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 09:54:00 MST

On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Neal Marin wrote:

> *grin* hey, at least thou shall *get* a cable modem...
> my parents seem to think that if they get one I'll
> just spend more time on the computer...they're right,
> of course, but they just don't get the concept of why....[snip]

So, Oh Squire of the Lightspeed Era, thou doth seekest
to elevate oneself to Knighthood? One must ask the King
and Queen, "Oh what is reality, but that which one
perceives in one's brain?" and "If reality is nothing but
perception, how can one person's reality haveth any more
weight than anothers?" and "Doth they desire the reality of
yesteryear to be the reality of nowyear?". Ask them,
"Would they not desireth to return to the BlackNWhiteTV Era?"...

If they answer yea, then one had best go get a job, purchase a
satellite dish and barricade oneself behind the bedroom door.
For one would not wish to bear witness to the carnage wrought by
the singularity whirlpool as is sucks such individuals from
this reality into that which nevermore shall be.

Or, if one desireth to be more diplomatic, one could point out
that its the computer geeks that are making millions in IPOs
and buying their parents vacation homes in the Virgin Islands.


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