Re: Upload Projects (Was: rehabilitation versus punishment ...)

From: Neal Marin (
Date: Mon Feb 28 2000 - 07:39:42 MST

--- Skye <> wrote:
> *grins* of course, a more interesting plan would be
> to
> get the internet *into* the poor children... if we
> had
> the technology. I say, to every person a plug, and
> to
> every plug, an ethernet hub! *grumbles* Though of
> course, I'm still waiting for the blasted cable
> modem
> to migrate into my area...they're about two to three
> weeks late.
*grin* hey, at least thou shall *get* a cable modem...
my parents seem to think that if they get one I'll
just spend more time on the computer...they're right,
of course, but they just don't get the concept of why.............................................................................................................

Neal Marin
"Why should I feel lonely?
Is not our planet in the Milky Way?"
Henry David Thoreau
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