Re: spike gets a bicycle in his life....

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 16:36:23 MST

> > So, recumbents are safer, faster, and more comfortable.
> > Bicycle people, why dont you ride a recumbent? spike
> >
> Emlyn wrote:
> Are they those weird lying-down bikes that get stuck in the tread of
> semi-trailers?

Ja I should clarify the safer comment. If you ride a lot in traffic
a bent would likely be more dangerous because they are harder
for drivers to see.

> Spike, get yourself an electric bicycle engine.

I have three motorcycles for that purpose.

> They are (almost) silent
> (really!), will push you along at up to 30 klicks (you'll have to figure
> that out in the old money),

No need to convert from a good system to a bad one. I force
myself to think metric now. We yanks are pokey but we are
coming along, kicking and screaming. {8^D

As for faster, well that depends. If you go really fast, where
air resistance counts, then sure, you have less wind resistance
with a bent. But with the smaller wheels, a bearing of a given
resistance would have increased total rolling resistance with
the smaller wheeled recumbent.

And of course they look silly. And will unless they become
a fad, and then it will be even worse, for one will look like
a sheep following the flock. {8-[ So in that department
ya cant win.

And of course they are pavement only.

But they are more comfortable, not only on the buns but
perhaps more importantly (for me) the wrists. spike

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