Re: spike gets a bicycle in his life....

From: Emlyn (
Date: Sat Feb 26 2000 - 07:30:29 MST

> So, recumbents are safer, faster, and more comfortable.
> Bicycle people, why dont you ride a recumbent? spike

Are they those weird lying-down bikes that get stuck in the tread of

Spike, get yourself an electric bicycle engine. They are (almost) silent
(really!), will push you along at up to 30 klicks (you'll have to figure
that out in the old money), and is addive with pedalling; ie: you pedal hard
enough to go fairly slow, you go really fast. Those engines are just damned
excellent; fantastic in traffic (gives you the accelleration you really
need), and very cool for the long haul. Before I dropped out into
telecommuting land, I was commuting 40km round trip every working day by
bike, only because of the engine. Especially excellent, because Canberra has
fantastic bike paths, and a bicycle with an electric engine is not a motor
vehicle which requies registration. Now of course my exercise is the walk to
the beach...


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