Re: META: Oh, no, not again.

From: Darin Sunley (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 01:10:26 MST

"E. Shaun Russell" wrote:

> Eliezer wrote:
> >If there's another Dees-Lorrey flamewar, I'm leaving the list. I
> >respectfully suggest that the List Authorities institute a
> >zero-tolerance policy for their little spat, preferably BEFORE
> >membership on this list drops by 10%, including me.


> With all due respect to the certain parties involved in the
> "Hello Again..." thread (and all threads that stem from it), it does much
> to dilute bandwidth and contribute to the "N" of the S/N ratio.


> Unlike Eliezer, I'll probably stay on this list as long as any amount of
> signal comes through --the "scraps" from this list constitute a mental meal
> in their own right-- but I am fairly certain that many will not be as
> tolerant.

Does posting a vote on a thread about noise count as signal, or noise? :)

I'd have to add a hearty me too to the call for, if not censorship, at least

It seemed during the last big g*n flare-up that after the first couple posts neither
side was even interested in the result of the argument. Studies and philosophies are
well and good, but have any models or simulations ever been generated on the subject
in question?

I strongly suspect that certain policies regarding the subject in question create, not
utopias or hellholes, but chaotic legal attractors and various other neato phenomena.

Oh well, I'll just put it at then end of the other 3000 man-hours worth of cool
programming projects I've thought of. If one of you ever develops a neuralhack for
attention and focus (Eliezer, I'm looking at you :))), somebody ship me a case, ok? :)

Darin Sunley

P.S. I would like to add, in closing, that the loss of Eliezer from this list, as well
as any of you others, would be a deep misfortune. It was through a link on Ander's
Transhumanism page to Eliezer's "Staring into the Singularity" that I even found this
movement in the first place.

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