Re: META: Oh, no, not again.

From: E. Shaun Russell (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 20:27:15 MST

Eliezer wrote:
>If there's another Dees-Lorrey flamewar, I'm leaving the list. I
>respectfully suggest that the List Authorities institute a
>zero-tolerance policy for their little spat, preferably BEFORE
>membership on this list drops by 10%, including me.

        Though I have long been an advocate of the "if you don't like it, don't
read it" policy posited by most members of this list, I have to agree with
Eliezer. With all due respect to the certain parties involved in the
"Hello Again..." thread (and all threads that stem from it), it does much
to dilute bandwidth and contribute to the "N" of the S/N ratio.

        In the past, incessant threads such as this have died out within a week of
their inception, but given the months of gun debates last summer and the
apparent rekindling of similar arguments happening now, it appears that a
moratorium of sorts --not on brains, but on noise-- is unfortunately in order.

        I would have thought that posters of unrefutable intelligence would have
the decency to reconcile differences and spare petty bickerings from such a
public forum, but since my thoughts are apparently mistaken, counteraction
is the only recourse.

        Unlike Eliezer, I'll probably stay on this list as long as any amount of
signal comes through --the "scraps" from this list constitute a mental meal
in their own right-- but I am fairly certain that many will not be as

E. Shaun Russell Extropian, Musician, ExI Member <KINETICIZE *YOUR* POTENTIAL>

*The creation of the future is in the creation of the present*

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