"on the jazz!"

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 19:35:45 MST

Neal Marin made me feel old(I'm 32) by writing:
A pity...I've never liked either Oprah Winfrey or marshmallows. Perhaps my
history has been neglected in that I've never heard of the 'A-team'.

Never heard of the A Team television show! The horrors! lol I considered
this "trash tv" at it's best. In this Glen A. Larsen production(the mark of
quality, lol), there is an army special forces team that are wrongly accused
of a crime and have to run to escape prison. They are a nutty but fun bunch
who help people in trouble while just one step ahead of the military cops
who are after them.

It would always say in the beginning of each episode:
"Ten years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court
for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum
security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the
government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if
no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the

There were four main characters. Murdock (Dwight Schultz) was a tall,
skinny guy who was crazy but a gifted pilot. The actor also is occasionally
on Star Trek as Ensign Barkley. He was also the foil for.. B.A. Baracas!
This was the team tough guy and was played by Mr. T. You do know who that
is(Rocky)?? B.A. had an irrational fear of flying and would have to be
knocked out to be flown. Murdock was his foil on the show. Face, was the
ladies man of the group. He was also a natural born con man who could get
whatever the team needed. Dirk Benedict played this role. Starbuck, from
"Battlestar Galactica?" Finally, the leader of the group is Hannibal
(played by George Peppard) who was a brilliant Colonal in Viet Nam and will
of course look death in the face and laugh.

In a typical episode some old man and his pretty daughter are being squeezed
by mobsters. The A-Team find out and of course come to the rescue. They go
nose to nose with the bad guys telling them to stop. Then they come up with
a plan of action. The bad guys then chase them into a warehouse or scapyard
where the A-Team holes up and miracuosly build out of junk a war wagon or
some other major weapon! You would almost think they had nanotech at their

During the battles, despite machine guns being fired at point blank range,
no one got seriously hurt. As an A-Team member you could easily beat up a
guy twice your size by just grabbing him by the collar and lightly hitting
him once! At some point in the episode Baracas would say to Hannibal, "Got
to love that jazz!" The show ran from 1983 to 1987. It was a guilty
pleasure but I did enjoy it. There is talk of an A-Team reunion feature

Well, now you are caught up on the A-Team! I was reliving a little of my
early youth by telling you about the show. It was corny but for me, fun

best regards,

John Grigg

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