Re: Warped? (was)Sampling vs. Stealing songs (was) Nirvana

Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 19:48:29 MST

In a message dated 2/15/2000 1:13:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< You're right, that's probably not the best word: how about
 "infected" with memetic virus of IP?

Warped, infected, whatever. I actualy didnt read any farther after that
assertion and just deleted the e-mail.
It' s a good topic, and quite possibly I could have learned somethign from
you, and you from me, but you so clearly showed your disdain for my P.O.V.
and it seemed like you had already made up your mind. I decided you had not
room for any further input.


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