Re: Essence Vital (was)Ahumans [was Re: Cryonics and abortion- nothappening!]

Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 17:22:24 MST

In a message dated 1/20/2000 2:36:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Perhaps what is needed is for people to learn they
 can live comfortably with the truth.

So judgemental, so controlling. Aethists amuse me, becasue they fall into the
same trap as religions, they want everyone to follow their lead...

Objective truth does not interest 99% the world, haven't you discovered that um, "fact"... yet? And it is within the boundaries of reality to say
that they may not ever... so let it go... deep breathe...
Hehehehe >: ]

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